Sunday 23 October 2016

Now That You Are Successful, What is Next???

Now That You Are Successful, What is Next???

From Odusina Adewale Hiworks

Success creates for you a golden platform to pull many others to high flier status; your Children, your Spouse, your Family, your Friends, your Colleague. your Associates, your Acquaintances and everyone that your engagements will pull into your sphere.

Successful Business Parents have a responsibility to mentor their children through the path that brought them to affluence and not shield them.

Unfortunately, this will not be true of certain  undiscerning parents that will deny their children the Opportunity to learn from              such wealth of experience. When your graduate son or daughter is made MD without growing through the ranks, It is like putting a potentially fruitful plantation in the midst of thorns and tissles.Can you imagine the fall?

 Success is an altitudinal journey and The rule of genuine success allow for the journey to be less steeper for greeners. However,  as they ascend to authorities,  the route is much steeper and lonely but the experience required to succeed as authorities is grown in the rising and falling and rising through the ranks.

Strong values like diligence, loyalty, patience, managing rejection and failure are developed.
And your spouse,  needs every support in the long walk to legacy.  Success must be a collective responsibility.

                                                                               For family and Friends refuse to be the bread winner figure,  but rather be the trailblazer. Have a zero tolerance for indolence. Invest in family business capacity building,  create businesses and engage members,  pay them attractive wages.  Remember that the business philosophy is not really profit driven in the short term; the money invested is such that those that enjoy the bread winners status would have shared freely for crying out loud. Sacking members will be a capital punishment after all the various corrective measures in the system are exhausted.

Seminars,  books,  workshops,  blogging, audiovisuals are various avenue for impacting colleagues,  acquitances and anyone that will pulled into our sphere of engagement positively.

I have heard of situations where successful people burn their success trails as a mean to reduce competition at the top.  This is a very unfortunate disposition.

The truth is that the best of us can not the released without  conflict and competition in the market place.

Let us help to bring more people to the market place and there is enough room for everyone.
One of the things we would achieve is higher level of local expertise,  deeper enterprised communities and sustainable economy.

So now that you are successful, the journey to building a Legacy must be on the front burner and do explore your platform.

Saturday 22 October 2016

Weather Your Weather; It's Your Call!!!

Weather Your Weather; Its Your Call...
- Inspired at Max Impact with Pastor Peter Alegbe, Oct 20th 2016.
From Odusina Adewale Hiworks

Many of us have observed that when air -conditioner is working and suddenly power cut, a once freshened room becomes almost immediately hot and uncomfortable.

This situation that suddenly becomes prevalent had always been there but suppressed by the air conditioner.

Same applies with a once lit room before power cut,  which immediately becomes grave dark. Similarly, the darkness had always been there but suppressed by the light.

For as long as the air-conditioning is adequate and the amount of light is sufficient, the uncomfortable situations that could exist in their absence remain suppressed.
We can draw a parallel analogy from these situations with  real life situations.

Ignorance remains suppressed for as long as we give ourselves to superior knowledge acquisition and Application.

Fear remains suppressed for as long as we feed our courage with faith and absolute trust in God.

Anger remains suppressed for as long as we consciously don't ascribe undue trust in humanity.

Frustration remains suppressed for as long as we give 100% dedication to the course at hand, until the expectation is the reality.

Failure remains suppressed for as long as we refuse to quit or give up on our dreams.

Quitting remains suppressed for as long as we have WINNING on our front burner.

Sickness remains suppressed as long as we maintain healthy, God's word based Spiritual and mental ambience.

Bad habits remain suppressed as long as we keep exercising ourselves in good quality lifestyle.

To be continued .....

It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.

Leonardo da Vinci

Maximum Impact Meeting holds every Thursday at HOG Wing,  33, Toyin Street,  Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria.
Sent from my Kindle Fire

Saturday 15 October 2016

Invest Money, Time & Most Importantly, Invest Attention

TInvest Money, Time and Most Importantly, Invest Attention

From Odusina Adewale Hiworks

It is pertinent to note that in the core of knowledge acquisition, the most important resource is not money or time but ATTENTION.

A lot of time, we are quick to buy knowledge and sometimes at a very dare or sacrificial cost;study loan,family grant, village  contribution, life savings and such like.

We can also take time off; study leave, sabbatical, weekend classes,  evening classes.

However, the most critical resource is the ATTENTION.  Most of the time, we take for granted the demand of this resource which is totally our prerogative.

Anybody can support in the provision of funds,  friends can give you lift to always arrive early  enough but Nobody can help you to INVEST YOUR ATTENTION.

The Following will facilitate having the level of attention needed to be a focused listener.

1. Ask the salient question.  Of what need is the knowledge quest?  Are you in it because it is free,  or your friends are certitified and you want the social status, or your office is placing a demand on you to be accredited or you see the acquisition as the next in line in your career moves.

No matter what the trigger is,it is critical that the timeshare is effectively harnessed.

2. Spend time Discovering The Relevance of such knowledge base to the community;  where you work and the society in general.

So when the knowledge acquisition is not self initiated or triggered by career move,  we must pause and condition the mind to find relevance.

You may have to find a mentor.  That is easy now with social media; Facebook,  Google+ etc

You may also find a career counselor.

Do all you can to find that hunger for acquiring this knowledge.

3 Carry out an online research on the training in view,  research on the challenges of the deficiency of the knowledge base and problems this knowledge can solve.

4 At the lecture room,  be conscious of the circle of persons you anticipate will aid your participation.

If you are easily distracted, then sit at the front; come early enough, if you have health challenges sit at such a location, you can comfortably address your needs,  If you are not comfortable with air conditioner,  then wear appropriate dress that suites your needs.

5. Avoid creating unnecessary air around you e. g flashy dressing,  bogus jewelry, elaborate makeups,  flashy cars and over speeding at training venue.

6. Carry out personal research in the library and online,  buy books,  initiate group discussion all with the goal of getting the most from the skill acquisition.

7. Do not also forget to network. Get to know your colleagues and continue the conversation on social media.

In conclusion, Irrespective of the cost and time demand of any training at all,  the most important is the maximum impact of such training in the life of the attendees. 

The impact is however directly proportional to the Attention paid or invested in the course of study.

So knowing that poor preparation and Self initiated distractions are major obstacles to attention, we must take very seriously the need to prepare well and also create the enabling environment for our ATTENTION AND LEARNING.

Friday 7 October 2016

Success is an Altitudinal Journey

From Odusina Adewale Hiworks
Success is an altitudinal journey.
 If you have walked up the hilly side before, you will identify with the pains in every stride.
Hence, the lighter you travel the easier.
You don't want to carry any weight on the hill side walk.
Weight are both physical and spiritual or emotional.
There are various technological ways to ease off the pressure of physical weight,  but emotional are intangible but more powerful and domineering. 

Emotional weights are the heaviest;  hatred, anger, malice, envy, jealousy, offenses,  worrying, apprehension, sadness, aggression, and such likes take a lot from us; drain us of innovative, creative and productive energies - like Mosquitoes -parasitical.

However,  as powerful as emotions can be, we can either buy in or decline. 

Emotional weights are like birds flying looking for where to perch; do not become the victim of unstable emotions.

Situations will continually present opportunities for happiness and sadness as long as we are alive but we can choose to see all the situations from a vantage position and be continually happy.
I have earlier defined success as a mental state. 

Success is a state of the mind that inspires one to go on and try again and again no matter how many times one has failed. 

This can define you when you do all to travel light.  Do not allow the past experience to define the future. 

How does one travel light consciously?

Here, I will be introducing my therapy.
  1. Cast your 'weights' on God. It is not given to humanity to carry any emotional weight; any at all. God Instructs us to Cast all weight on Him. This is why we keep our communication with God open 24-7 all year round.  You simply pour your heart out to God in prayer and trust that he will do something about the weights.
  2. Study the Bible habitually. Here you will discover, you are not the first to be challenged. You may also find a similar dilemma and be encouraged to trust God deeper. You will always find strength and many times instructions about how to deal with the situations.
  3. You can also share your mind with someone, a confidant and many times discover together a way to move ahead.

  4. Do not isolate yourself. This is the most dangerous place to be when one is weighed down.You can find a friend, travel back to your Alma Mater,Go to church or your religious ground of persuasion, find a book that bears on your concerns,find a sporting activity of interest, attend an event, watch sound of music, listen to an evergreen tune;anything to take you out of the box.
  5. Focus on your Altimate Goal, anticipate the challenges ahead and see such as leverages to your success.
It is totally your prerogative to keep the right air around you for success. Memories of past successes and failures can both be equally counter productive.

So Travel light consciously.

Contestation With the Personality Called "ME" - Reconciling Conflicts Between Inertia and Belief Systems

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