Wednesday 11 September 2019

Life is a load of Routine Response Behaviors

Life is a load of Routine Response Behaviors altimately with a destination. It is important where the 'Route-ine' is leading to eventually; that will summarize personality and perception.

It is important one minds that personality & perception when one is on the driving seat cycle, as it may limit how many shall be willing to offer rides in the other cycle when one shall be driven.

No one has the entire road map to destiny; everyone will serve and be served-everyone will drive and be driven.

Children need to be guided to grow excellent Routine Response Behaviors; it will make the journey much easier.

However, if you are already challenged by poor routines, make necessary adjustments; take it like a discovery on a road trip, that you have gone a wrong route for a while, leading somewhere else or nowhere important.

It will help to write down what you would like to adjust and a list of new routines that will now define your personality and perception.

Sunday 8 September 2019

As a Nation, We can either invest in Serenity or Restiveness

When you have a country with almost 50% population about 25years or close to 100Million,  leaders are either investing on them for massive economic growth or spending on them to suppress their restiveness.

I know it is cheaper to focus on the investment option strategically and the returns is a generational legacy for dignity in labour and serenity.

The other options is a fuel for generation legacy for poverty and restiveness. Hiworks

Contestation With the Personality Called "ME" - Reconciling Conflicts Between Inertia and Belief Systems

Contestation With the Personality Called "ME" - Reconciling Conflicts Between Inertia and Belief Systems Often, we search for reas...

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