Thursday 24 August 2017

Are You Exploring or Exploiting the Eco System???

Are You Exploring or Exploiting the Eco System???
From Odusina Adewale Hiworks

We are daily drifted to either side of the divide; The Explorers-those looking out for and inspiring greatness in others and the Exploiters-those fueling their self actualization at the detriment of others.

The players on either side of the divide poach for their objects in the family, they can be employer poachers and much more as employees. They may be Trustees, Friends, Colleagues, Political Post Holders, Civil Servants.

Explorers are like God, continually establishing balance in the Eco System; Evaporation, Clouds,  Rain and Repeat, Day, Night Repeat,  Jan to December Repeat, Carnivores kill Herbivores For Food NOT GAMES,  Rotten Leftovers are consumed by Vultures and Animal Waste helps Plantations and Repeat etc

But Exploiters are Devils Destabilizing the Eco System.

Men, exploiters kill for games and the endangered species for money, men destroy Farmlands with Oil & Gas Poor Business Practices.

Men, exploiters diverts Government funding for road drainage construction to personal property development at the detriment of millions that suffer in flooded communities.

Men, employees, exploiters, cut down 2400manhours per employee yearly contribution to business growth by half or more with poor commitment and dedication; hours on social media, personal calls on office lines, using office resources for personal gain without approvals.

Men, exploiters,  reduce rate of growth of
Wages with denied and delayed promotion,  thinking if the employees leave,  many others will come.

Men, exploiters,  buy new rides, build houses, observe leave and travel with the entire family when salaries are being owed for 50 staff for 3months or paid half salary for 6months.

The list is endless.

But beyond the smokescreen, the showoffs, the aggrandizement, There is Really no PEACE for the EXPLOITERS.

But TRULY, GREAT is the PEACE of the Explorer.

Be an Explorer!!!

Saturday 12 August 2017

Discover Your Mission

If the question comes to me from within or from without that my life could be threaten by the course I must follow, my reaction would be what is a life without the course; dead!!!

......just meditating on the brand philosophy of Multi Choice Nigeria...... 'Enriching Lives'

You may say whatever you like about them but just imagine what their Rhetoric is.. Enriching Lives. If you don't believe me,  check out their coverage of Nigeria,  with all the challenges we are cumbered with poor power supply, internet, challenging Government policies, inflation etc.

But they go through all that just to impact lives positively.

I live to make captains of industry and however that come across and everything to make businesses succeed is what gives me the kick everyday.

You must discover yours and start living.

Everyone has a mission and the size is irrelevant; don't compare with another.

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